Micro Rainbow LGBTQ Asylum Seekers


About Micro Rainbow

Micro Rainbow’s vision is to create a world where lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) people are free from discrimination, persecution and have equal opportunities in life, including in accessing employment, training, education, financial services, healthcare, housing, places of faith, and public services. We do this by:

  • Providing safe housing to LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees
  • Facilitating access to employment, volunteering, training and education for LGBTQI refugees through our moving on programme
  • Providing social inclusion activities to reduce the extreme isolation faced by LGBTQI people

What we are doing to help LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees

Micro Rainbow opened the first safe house in the United Kingdom dedicated solely to LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees. Our houses provide a safe and temporary shelter for all LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees. They are located in the London area, in the North West and in the West Midlands.

About our moving on programme for LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees

Many LGBTQI  people flee their country because of the persecution they face due to their sexuality, gender identity or intersex status. Those who find safety in the UK and become refugees have to build a whole new life. Micro Rainbow can help in this process with employability and moving on support.

Why we provide social inclusion activities for LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees

LGBTQI refugees are still rejected by their families and communities even in the UK. They become extremely isolated, without enough social safety nets and opportunities in life. They live at the margins of society, often in environments that expose them to increased abuse and violence.

How to contact us

There are a number of options available to contact us:


When emailing us and to be contacted more rapidly, please make sure to include your full name, where in the UK you are living, your phone number and if you require a translator for the language you speak.

Housing team


Social inclusion team


Moving on team


General info


Helpline for LGBTQI migrants: 0800 3585851

If you are not a first-time caller, please call our phoneline from Monday to Friday from 10am – 4pm and select the relevant options to get in touch with a member of staff.

If you need a translator, please email social@microrainbow.org to arrange this in advance.

Helpline for LGBTQI refugees from Afghanistan: 0800 3585852

The helpline is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 2pm – 5pm.

Micro Rainbow LGBTQ Asylum Seekers