All People All Places

Brayford Square, E1 0SG

North London


APAP’s day centre offers housing advice, support and advocacy for rough sleepers and those at risk of homelessness in Enfield and Haringey. The service is open to anyone on a drop in or referral basis.

The centre currently operates Tuesday to Thursday and offers a warm, welcoming and friendly space for those seeking support with housing related issues or experiencing homelessness. A simple breakfast is available to those who are rough sleeping or in need, as well as hot drinks and refreshments. From January 2023, we are also providing a hot lunch on Wednesday’s for our clients and hope to expand this offer.

We undertake a detailed individual assessment and help our visitors address wider needs through referral and signposting to relevant partner agencies.

Our experienced caseworkers assist with issues related to housing, benefits, health, immigration, debt advice and advocate on behalf of clients with external agencies. We provide ongoing casework support to all visitors.

The day centre:

Provides immediate respite to those rough sleeping

Supports individuals through housing crisis

Prevents people from experiencing the nightmare of rough sleeping


Pymmes Park, Victoria Road, Edmonton, London, N18 1SA

The visitor centre is in Pymmes Park. The easiest way to find us is from the Victoria Road entrance to Pymmes Park, near Silver Street train station.


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

8am - 2pm (casework ends at 1pm)


Call or text:

07851 228 469 / 07840 345 872/ 07542 592 340

All People All Places

5 Brayford Square
E1 0SG